John, the Pigeon: 그 비둘기, 존

2D Point and Click game


미래 언젠가, 서울 외곽.

인간으로부터 배척된 비둘기들. 그들은 쓰레기섬에서 살아가야만 한다.

여기, 오늘 쓰레기섬에 도착한 비둘기가 있다. 그의 이름은 '존'.

이곳에서 벗어나기 위해 어떤 것을 '쪼사'볼 것인가?


Somewhere in Seoul, pigeons are repelled by humans. They have to live in 'Trash Island', where garbages are thrown away everyday.

Here is the pigeon who has just arrived. It's name is 'John'.

What would you 'peck' to escape from here?


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Only Mac available. I will update Window version soon. :)

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